Monday, March 5, 2012

Tool #11

For your final 11 Tools post, answer these questions:

I plan to use Skype or Facetime to connect Memorial High School art students to the Stratford High School art community.   
I collaborate daily with the ap art teacher from Stratford (Jana Stiffel)  using technology and would like to introduce that to students in our own classrooms to make them aware of what their peers at different schools are doing in their art rooms. 
I have always loved technology and have always had to opportunity to have different forms of technology for my own personal use.  I appreciate the district now introducing different technological advances (smartboards,ipads, ipods, netbooks, iMacs ) into our classrooms so the students will be able to keep up with the latest trends in learning.

I am very happy to see that the district is making available the latest in technology resources into all classrooms so that we may be able to keep up with the trends in learning and technology.

Tool #10

For your Tool #10 assignment:
In YOUR blog post:

Make sure students respect others work on the internet. Students must be made aware of plagarism and the importance of using their own work. They may use different images as reference only.
Atomic Learning would be an excellent source to educate students about awareness of their responsibilities.
Students that use technology should be responsible when accessing images, music and videos from the internet. They need to get permission before they can utilize the reference if sourced in their own project.
Make sure that the art students and parents are made aware that if students use district equipment they are not to use images on the internet in their projects but may use images for research. If students plagarize they must be held accountable which can result in usage of district equipment can be withheld.

Tool #9

Tool #9 Assignment, create a new post in which you respond to the following:

Technology is a must in today's world-it allows us to take what we have created and by combining the two and will allow students to share their accomplishments globally.
We must educate the students about awareness and the proper use of strategies for learning and the proper way to use social networking. Students must be held accountable when they borrow images and music from the internet to be used in projects. Database and Thinkfrinity could be a wonderful tool in the art room. There are many apps for art students to use just to mention a few: Art Rage, Animation Creator Life, Artisan Paint and 123-D Sculpt.
Effective use of class time used would be evaluated by the way the students has researched different apps and choosing ones that helps them develop their work in a timely manner and future projects.

Tool #8

For Tool #8, in your post:After watching the videos/tutorials, list two to three things you learned about the device(s) that will be in your classroom this fall.The Use of the Macs and Wacoms in the classroom will enable the students to use these devices as a tool to take their work to another level. The results could be endless. The students would be able to use Photoshop and see several different ways to develop the same work from realistic, stylistic and to the point of abstraction.

The devices could be used many ways-after a student has completed a studio project they could use the devices as an extension by scanning their project and using the wacom to overlay new ideas to take the project to another level using technology.

Tool #7

I have collaborated with the Art teacher at Stratford about connecting the two art rooms via Face Time.

Jana Stiffel and I plan to share lessons and the work of our students.

Our students will be able to look into another classroom and view other students work and different approaches to solving the same project.  Perhaps students from each school could critique the works of others.

Tool #6

As you continue to learn from the members of your PLN, have you found new ideas on their sites? ;-)

I would use this as a discussion opener in class

The poll everywhere was awsome-the students will like being able to use the technology.

tool #5

Check out the stunning video   Here

  • I went into wordle and created a word sheet.

  • I linked the video and word sheet to this blog

  • 3.  Students can use this as a creative tool in the classroom